11th Underwater Rugby Open European Championship for Juniors

rugby 25th - 26th Oct 2014 Mülheim, GER

The following countries have reported for the UWR OECJ 2014:

  • Colombia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Germany.

Currently, the game plan is prepared and is to be published in August. The draw for the Championship - see Invitation - is carried out on 13 or 14 September.

Official web site of the event is available here.


Report of the Championship

In this championship, there were some surprises. Teams who played the last year for the medals at the Open Nordic Championships for Juniors (ONCJ) this time had nothing to do with the medals. Not surprising was the strong showing of the Colombian Team. They confidently won all the games and have deserved this championship won for the first time.

The Norwegians women put through as expected.

The Championship had been transmitted via Internet. Spectators were registered from many European countries but also from Colombia, Australia and the United States.
The XII. UWR OECJ will be held in 2016. Norway is keen to align this Championship.



The XI. UWR Open European Championship for Juniors (OECJ) had been opened

Dr. Uwe Hoffman - Vice-President of German Underwater Federation (VDST), Mrs. Ursula Schröder - Major of the city of Mülheim and Mr. Rüdiger Hüls - President of CMAS UWR Commission welcomed the Teams. After the Opening Ceremony the tournament starts immediately. 10 Games was played in the preliminary round. In this championship the first time starts junior women teams. The Championship will be transmitted via Internet.

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11th Underwater Rugby Open European Championship for Juniors