Free Diving Target Shooting Competition in Lebanon
Target Shooting free diving 19.07.2019
The first Lebanese Target shooting competition in Precision shooting discipline took place on Sunday 23rd of June organized by LWF Federation and Freedive Lebanon Club in Al-Arz Sports Club semi-olympic pool in a region called El-Minyeh and was a very successful event.
There were 12 participants from different Lebanese regions from North to South and one team from Lebanese Army Navy and media coverage.
Mr. Jean Gilles Yver from the French federation supervising the competition for the target shooting judge course practical examination.
Competition judges were:
Director Judge: Rachid Zock
Shooting line Judges: Taha Bakkour / Abdallah Sheikh
Chronometer judges: Ali Mokdad / Antoine Dayekh
Starting judges: Marwan Hariri / Aziz Issa
Shot measurement and point calculation judges: Chakib Yaacoub / Joanna Rammal