2nd European Championship

sport diving 23rd Apr 2012 - 1st Jan 1970 Perm, RUS

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Excellent opening ceremony of the II championship of Europe of diving competition and good sports results on the first day of competition.

Authorities in the region of Perm and the Russian Federation of underwater activities have shown a superb organizational skills to ensure that the opening acts were original and spectacular. The ceremony was chaired by D. Lyakh Pavel Sports Minister of the region of Perm, Mrs. Anna Arzhanova President of the Russian Federation of underwater activities and D. Xavier Duran President of the CAMS Sports Committee. Also there were other important officials. The words of D. Xavier Duran, recalling the first Championships were very symbolic: "I till remenber the first Championship in Saint Petersburg, we started with a few countries, but with entusiasm. Today there are more than twice". The ceremony ended with regional dances fused with gymnastics. Tests were M 300 m and Night Diving .The day get in time. The ceremony of medals for the day from 26.In conclusion, the day was very notable and with good sports environment.

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