XXII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA)
Science 13.11.2018
The XXII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) will be held in Santa Severa (Rome), Italy on 22-25 November 2018.
As it has been in the past, this Symposium will continue to provide an important opportunity for scholars and researchers to come together and discuss their works in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Our spectrum is growing wider due to the increased importance and knowledge of interdisciplinary works in today’s scientific era.
The main theme of the 2018 meeting will be “From East to West. The mobility of people, goods and ideas in the ancient Mediterranean”. All presentations related to these topics will be welcome, and particularly those attempting to reconstruct the ancient mobility in the Mediterranean and its maritime connectivity with the contribution of underwater or land archaeology.
Like in the past SOMA Symposium, there will be the possibility to submit abstracts dealing with archaeological, historical, epigraphical or numismatic sources.
Thanks to the contribution of the ISCR-Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro, a special session will be dedicated to the management, restoration and musealization of the Mediterranean archaeological sites, with a particular emphasis on new approaches and new technologies developed to promote the public engagement.
The CMAS Underwater Cultural Heritage Commission within the CMAS Scientific Committee will have a side event within the SOMA meeting to share information, network and co-ordinate their work together.