Science 26.06.2017
They cannot speak. But we can. And we will.
SILENCE OF THE SHARKS is an extraordinary event, which will take place in Eilat, Israel, October 19-22, 2017 as part of the International SharksCongress.
SILENCE OF THE SHARKS is a unique project which joins hundreds of global organizations in an attempt of providing endangered sharks of the world with a voice. The shark community is on the brink of complete extinction, consequences are tough on balance of nature and this situation requires a call for action by all means.
The project is designed with the involvement and support of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture and Sport and the city of Eilat.
The event will include a 3-day shark's congress (October 19-22) which will allow the most influential environmental activists worldwide to discuss the matter of shark hunting and decide together upon a plan of action. The University of Haifa will be providing the academic platform for this panel and will be organizing the conference with respect to invitees and content.
The peak of the event, however, will be a huge live broadcasted protest dive, planned for October 22nd, which will be joined by more than 500 divers coming from over the world. The dive will be held in memory of Dr. Eugenie Clark, also known as “The Shark Lady”, who began her shark research at the Eilat Bay.
Dr. Sylvia Earle, one of the most famous marine biologists and explorers in the world, had already confirmed her participation. During the broadcast, Sylvia will be attending the dive site while holding a live conversation with some of the most influential leaders in the world.
Children of the world are joining this fascinating and important journey of saving the sharks by drawing the protest banners held underwater during the dive. For this purpose, a competition will be held a few months prior the protest dive, inviting all children in all countries to create their own protest banner and to share it using an online platform. The best drawing of them all will be awarding its young creator and one of his parents with an invitation (flights and accommodation) to participate in the event.
„This is an unique diving event to get more attention for the protection of sharks. I call on all divers to support SILENCE OF THE SHARKS“, says Prof. Ralph O. Schill, President of the CMAS Scientific Committee.