International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 2018

Science 19.01.2018

The International Year of the Reef 2018 is a worldwide campaign to raise awareness about the value and importance of coral reefs and threats to their sustainability, and to motivate people to take action to protect them. All individuals, corporations, schools, governments, and organizations are welcome and actively encouraged to participate in IYOR 2018. 

1997 was declared the first International Year of the Reef (IYOR), in response to the increasing threats on coral reefs and associated ecosystems, such as mangroves and sea grasses around the world. IYOR was a global effort to increase awareness and understanding on the values and threats to coral reefs, and to support related conservation, research and management efforts. Over 225 organizations in 50 countries and territories participated, and over 700 articles in papers and magazines were generated, and hundreds of scientific surveys were undertaken.

Recognising that, ten years later, there continued to be an urgent need to increase awareness and understanding of coral reefs, and to further conserve and manage valuable coral reefs and associated ecosystems, the International Coral Reef Initiative designated 2008 as the second International Year of the Reef, IYOR 2008. More than 630 events were organized in over 65 countries and territories around the world. To learn more about the IYOR 2008 accomplishment, download the final report: „IYOR The Year in Review“ (PDF File) 6.95 MB.

At the 31st General Meeting (November 2016 in Paris, France), the International Coral Reef Initiative declared 2018 as the third International Year of the Reef and encourages to: strengthen awareness globally about the value of, and threats to, coral reefs and associated ecosystems; promote partnerships between governments, the private sector, academia and civil society on the management of coral reefs; identify and implement effective management strategies for conservation, increased resiliency and sustainable use of these ecosystems and promoting best practices; and share information on best practices in relation to sustainable coral reef management.

For more information about the International Coral Reef Initiative, please, contact the ICRI Secretariat and find more activities at „IYOR 2018“.

CMAS encourages all divers and federations to support and participate in IYOR 2018.

Here you will find detailed information about the CMAS IYOR activities soon!

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