Futures of Education

Science 16.11.2020

We are pleased to inform you that WAY and UNESCO want to hear from you and the youth community you represent and support on a crucial issue: the futures of education. "Futures of Education: Learning to Become" is UNESCO's new flagship initiative in the field of education. It is about reimagining, together, how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. A key element of the initiative is a simple 1-minute survey that asks respondents' views on the top 3 challenges that lie ahead and also asks what the top 3 priorities of education should be in order to address these challenges.

Please find herewith the survey links in English, French, and Spanish:

All answers gathered from this survey will contribute towards the preparation of UNESCO's next global report on the futures of education. Hence, we call upon all young people and youth leaders to take part in this survey and / or share among your networks. Every voice counts!

Thanking you in advance for your support and collaboration.


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