Year Greetings from the President of CMAS Mrs. Anna Arzhanova

confederation technical Underwater Sport Science Finswimming 31.12.2016

This 2016 is of particular importance for CMAS family and the whole underwater movement, given that it concludes successfully the work started almost four years ago in Cebu. The targets fixed at that time have been achieved entirely and the seeds for further development and improvement have been launched. Indeed, during the past four years we have increased the financial capability of CMAS taking it to a satisfactory stability and growing margins of profitability, which now allow CMAS to further invest in its development also by sustaining initiatives which widen and strengthen our visibility worldwide.

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We have approved the new Statutes and related rules of procedure which have modernized the governance of CMAS in terms of transparency, democracy and consistency with the IOC requirements for recognized sport federations, receiving an important endorsement by the IOC, shared by all those who attended and voted at its General Assembly in Rome.

We have strengthened and improved the relations with all our stakeholders, such as the UNESCO, the IOC, SportAccord, the ARISF and the World Games reaching outstanding levels of credibility and active presence and cooperation at top levels in ARISF and the IWGA, where CMAS is represented in the relevant boards.

The exceptional results achieved by all our sports disciplines thanks to the restless efforts of all national member federations, of the athletes, coaches, trainers, officials and volunteers allow CMAS to speak its voice at the Olympic movement level and to be listened to!

In this context, I am proud to announce that the first CMAS international training center for Apnoea and Diving is about to be completed in Turkey and will soon be ready to welcome athletes and amateurs from all over the world. Also, we have reached outstanding results in apnoea this year having also implemented full safety standards and on-line broadcasting of our competitions, thus strengthening CMAS position in this exciting discipline.

Finswimming is another growing successful discipline, particularly with students competitions under the aegis of FISU and the participation in such events as the World Games, the European Games, the Mediterranean Beach Games and the Bolivarian Beach Games, which give finswimming the visibility it deserves and also put it on the only right path towards its inclusion in the Olympic program.

The 2016 has also seen the launch of several important initiatives such as the Blue Helmets of the Sea in cooperation with the UNESCO and the EU Commission for Sports and Culture, which has increased CMAS visibility and credibility worldwide. And this project is just at the starting point and will continue in 2017 with parallel programs for the formation of migrants in underwater archaeology and marine preservation promoted together with Hon. Silvia Costa, President of the EU Commission for Sports and Culture.

Always within the frame of the close cooperation with UNESCO, the last July 2016 Jutland Project was a unique opportunity to celebrate the largest navy battle not only of the first World War but in history ever.

On the wake of the success reached in these peculiar fields of marine archaeology and sustainable development, CMAS is also cooperating with the National Geographic and in February we will launch a new joint project.

These projects deserve a stable continuity and as a matter of fact we have launched education programs, starting with the establishment of the first Diving Academy in China in cooperation with several universities that will have diving sessions for students with CMAS instructors. A similar project will be soon launched in Europe, by joining forces and knowledge with the EU-funded Erasmus Plus Project.

Last but not least, 2016 has seen the implementation of the Database of CMAS divers and instructors, thus allowing the starting up of CMAS Community and Gear, as well as logbooks and other services.

All that has been done so far is not the outcome of just one player, but it is indeed a team work result and I would like to take this opportunity to truly thank all the CMAS board members, the presidents of our national member federations and secretary generals, officials, CMAS staff, athletes, coaches, advisors and you all for your strenuous commitment and encouragement.

I am pretty sure that all together we can accomplish the missions and face the challenges we have ahead of us for the next future. All together, we can make it happen!

My most sincere wishes of a bright and prosperous 2017.


Best regards,




Anna Arzhanova
President of CMAS


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