Clean-up event in Jordan
technical 10.03.2023
In conjunction with the CMAS TC assisting with the International CMAS Instructor course in Aqaba, Jordan, a clean-up event was arranged.
It is very important to the CMAS TC to follow the wise words of the CMAS founder Jacques-Yves Cousteau: "Let's protect what we love." It's always easy to say, but wise words require action. And that is why this event was organized.
After just 3 hours of diving and cleaning up the beach, these words became action and both the seabed and the beach appeared a little nicer after the event than before.
Many thanks to everyone who participated; the course participants, local diving centres, and other divers. Special thanks to Aqaba Diving Association Mr. Khamash Yasin.
Flemming Holm
Technical committee President