Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire

medical-diving 03.11.2020

The CMAS medical commission has investigated the different ways of carrying out medical examinationsfor declaring divers fit to dive for recreational diving. There was a demand from several countries for one type of questionnaire in the form of a so-called self-declaration. Although the committee is in favor of more uniformity, it came to the conclusion that there are still many differences in the various countries. Many countries are bound by legal provisions or insurer regulations.

In order to provide a practical answer to the requests from various federations, the commission has decided to align the questionnaire with the renewed methodology of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Their questionnaire has recently been completely revised and adapted to the latest insights. It also has the advantage that other international diving organizations including DAN also use the method. This method does not have the status of a CMAS standard and is therefore not mandatory. Each country can choose this or its own system. But federations that want to use it, can find it on this link. There you will find the forms in 26 languages and the diving medical guidance in English.

John Geurts

Chairman Medical Commission


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