1st World Cup Master Finswimming

finswimming 7th - 8th Jun 2014 Ravenna, ITA

2014 masters finswimming

Success of the 1st world cup master's in finswimming. CMAS had accepted the candidature of FIPSAS which had chosen the town of Ravenna to receive this first edition.

Success was with return of this 1st edition. Here statistics:

  • 3 continents (America, Asia, Europe)
  • 12 countries
  • 245 swimmers
  • 44 clubs
  • 803 departures during these two days of competitions.

This competition made it possible all these athletes to know itself or for some to find itself during two days of competition swimming pool and open water in a competitive spirit of course but also of friendship and friendliness.

It should be recalled that CMAS defined 29 years, the minimum age in V0 to take part in this world cup. All the other categories were represented of V1 until the category V5 (65 years to 74 years).

This competition made it possible to "old" international swimmers. We will quote in first the unforgettable one Paolo VANDINI (5 gold medals and 3 silver medals) but as well of others.
This success makes consider a future interesting for the competitions of these categories master's.

We hope that the participants will make the promotion of this competition so that the next year, even more athletes will take part for the 2nd edition programmed the June 6th and 7th 2015.

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