3rd Round of Finswimming World Cup 2012

finswimming 13th - 15th Apr 2012 Perm, RUS

The 3rd round of the World Cup has taken place in the swimming pool of PERM, OLYMPIA built in 2006.

Boris KISELEV, the Regional President of PERM and his team have made excellent preparations for the event, which resulted in perfect conditions for the swimmers during the two days of the competition. It is unfortunate for the organization committee that a number of clubs and countries did not attend the event.

Nevertheless, the performances were of a very high level, for example Valeria BARANOVSKAYA, who finished the 200m SF in 1:29.22. Evgeny SMIRNOV, a senior starting this year, completed this distance in 1:23.30, which equals his junior world record established last year in MISKOLC. The young Vladimir MALTZEV established a new junior world record on the 200m Bi Fins with 1:39.89 after having finished the 100m Bi Fins in 44.29.

An astonishingly high sporting level has characterized this round, compensating for the smaller number of athletes compared to the two first rounds which took place in EGER and LIGNANO.
The classification of the first 3 clubs:

  Club Points
2 URAL TEAM 1228

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