5th Round of Finswimming World Cup 2011

finswimming 20th - 22nd May 2011 Palma de Mallorca, ESP


Dear friends,

The Spanish Federation of Underwater Activities and the Balearic Federation of Underwater Activities, with the C.M.A.S. authorization, we are pleased to invite your club team to participle in the 6th CMAS FINSWIMMING WORLD CUP, for pool and for long distance, to be held in Majorca (Illes Balears-Spain) from 20th – 21th- 22th May 2.011, and the 4th Open International “ILLES BALEARS”.

For information you can look at our web page: www.copadelmundocmas.com or directly contact to us by e-mail in the web.

Hoping you will enrol in the competition,
best regards:

Juan Mas Garau
President FBDAS

Related Documents

16.03.2011 Annexe I
16.03.2011 Annexe II
16.03.2011 Poster

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