National Conference of Underwater Activists Elected 20th Underwater Activity Commission in Warsaw
confederation 16.05.2023
On 13 May 2023, the National Conference of Underwater Activists met at Senatorska 11 in Warsaw, at the seat of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze, PTTK). During the conference, in a democratic vote, the delegates elected the members of the 20th Underwater Activity Commission (Komisja Dzia?alno?ci Podwodnej, KDP).
Representatives of 98 scuba clubs and affiliated entities gathered at the plenary chamber to vote and engage in a heated debate about the directions for development of our federation for the coming years.
The following have been elected as the authorities of the Underwater Activity Commission:
- Micha? Górny – President;
- Tomasz Roszkowski – Vice-President – Head of Training;
- Artur Król – Secretary.
Newly elected members of the Underwater Activity Commission:
- Katarzyna Cytlau,
- Robert Goszczy?ski,
- Dominik Graczyk,
- Przemys?aw Or?y?ski.
Very good attendance among the delegates and their involvement in the discussion breeds hope that the federation's continued development will not be thwarted and the training of scuba divers and instructors will continue to be delivered at the highest level.
We wish the new Commission all the best for their term of office!