CMAS Scientific Diving Center (GER/S00) Freiberg

The CMAS Scientific Diving Center Freiberg is part of the Technische Universität
Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF). It is based at the Geoscience Department in the Faculty of
Geoscience, Geoengineering and Mining. However, it offers its services for all students of
TUBAF and external students and divers who are interested in learning how scientists work
under water.

The Scientific Diving Center is fully equipped for diving in freshwater and marine
environments (including full-face masks and underwater communication for special tasks)
following the safety standards of TUBAF which are based on CMAS International and the
German Underwater Federation (Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher, VDST). It owns
equipment for underwater surveying, for reading temperature and heat flow in sediments, and
pH, electrical conductivity and other parameters in water. Furthermore, devices for sampling
of sediments, rocks, water, gas, microorganisms, and plants for further investigations in our
laboratories are available. This includes underwater drilling, airlift, and lift bags for
transporting heavy equipment.

Education and research is focused on geoscience including water and gas chemistry, heat
transfer and heat transport, the measurement of coherent and incoherent gas flow from lake
or sea bottom. Investigation of water and gas chemistry includes research on microorganisms
in particular in extreme environments (submarine volcanoes, geothermal water) and
submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) e.g. from karst aquifers, and the relation between
submarine plants and water and gas chemistry and how they influence each other. A strong
focus lies on the development and testing of new measurement devices which involves
material sciences and mechanical engineering.    

Two modules (each with 4 ECTS credit points) are offered. Module 1 starts in the winter term
where two hours of lectures will be complemented by two hours of practical training in the
pool every week. Further training, including three dive camps in freshwater lakes, will follow in
the summer semester. The prerequisite for participation is an at least one star CMAS/VDST
diving license and a valid medical. Module 2 comprises a two weeks research project in the
marine environment (for eight years now around the submarine volcano of Panarea, Italy).
Successful participants of both modules will not only earn eight credit points but will be
credited as CMAS scientific divers and receive this brevier which enables them to participate
in worldwide underwater research.

Contact address:

SDC Freiberg
Institute of Geology, Prof. Merkel
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12
09596 Freiberg